ITU Çekirdek Growth 1
ITU Çekirdek Growth 2

ITU Çekirdek Growth


Startups who are successful at ITU Çekirdek Big Bang Stage, on their journey from product to success, for 1 year;

  • Offering the opportunity to become an ITU ARI Teknokent company,
  • Setting goals for entrepreneurs through one-on-one KPI coaching meetings and providing support to achieve this goal with Incubation Coaches who have expertise in different subject verticals as well as KPI coaching,
  • It is an growth program that aims to boost entrepreneurs with its Introducing with Potential Customers and PR Services.

Supports We Provide in Your Roadmap from Product to Success in
ITU Çekirdek Incubation Program

Educational program

In order to successfully deliver the created product to the customer, to increase the number of customers and your chance to receive investment; The Incubation Training Program that will support you in personal competencies, Business Strategy, Pricing, Human Resources, Product, Marketing and Sales Management consists of 8 modules and 21 topics.

1-1 KPI Coaching

In the Incubation Program, each startup determines its KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) according to its own dynamics together with the KPI mentor, and these KPIs are followed up monthly with a mentor who is competent about the needs of the startup.


In the Incubation Program, special coaches are appointed in the Sales, Business Model and Pricing and Digital Marketing verticals in accordance with the need arising from the 1-1 KPI coaching talks.

Corporate Introductory Package

Each entrepreneur who is entitled to participate in the Incubation Program is introduced to at least 5 potential customers/investors to ensure success.

Incubation Meetings

ITU Çekirdek has supported 6,562 entrepreneurs to date and provided support for the establishment of 890 companies. As a part of ITU Çekirdek culture, it is ensured to share experiences by meeting with ITU Çekirdek Incubation Alumni at least once a month. In addition, a cocktail with the participation of all our graduates is organized twice a year, and networking opportunity is provided with the ITU Çekirdek community.

PR Support

During the Incubation Program, important developments and investment news of Incubation initiatives; PR support is provided in social media, technology blogs, digital newspaper, sectoral magazines, TV, ITU Çekirdek social media channels with 22.000 followers and ITU Çekirdek Blog.

Interviews (Success Stories/Important News)

Incubation Program with our startups under the title of “Incubation Interviews” on ITU Çekirdek Youtube channel, with the participation of a single or an important actor related to the subject of the initiative; special news, success stories, and interviews with their contents.

Complimentary Office

Among our startups who are entitled to participate in the Incubation Program; 5 of them have closed offices (in the amount of 50.000 TL), and our other initiatives are awarded for the use of a common area for two people at ITU Magnet (amounting 18.000 TL) for a period of 1 year.

Benefiting from Technology Development Zones (TGB) Incentives

Incubation Ventures, if they apply for a project to ITU ARI Teknokent within the scope of Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 and get approval, are entitled to take part in TGB and can benefit from the following incentives.

HR Support

ITU ARI Teknokent’s career page and human resource finding tools are used in the search for personnel of startups throughout the Incubation Program, helping to find the right personnel within the ecosystem.

Useful Resources Archive

As an institution that has been directing the ecosystem for 11 years, we have collected the information and documents we have in the archive, in addition to the resources that will enable you to reach the correct information on the issues you are missing, as well as the business plan, partnership agreement, share option, etc. You can access dozens of templates.

Database Subscriptions

Market research, competitor analysis, and subscription support to databases and platforms where you can follow investment news are provided to Incubation Program initiatives.

ITU Çekirdek Incubation Program Coaches

1-1 KPI Coaches

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Adil Oran

Assoc. Prof. Dr. of Finance and Entrepreneurship

Abdullah Gül Üniversity


Ali Korkmaz

Head of Digital Transformation and Technology Solutions

Tav Airports Holding

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Ali Selim Aytuna

Principal AI & Data Scientist

Vorwerk Group

Strategy & Business Development Advisor

Arda Berkay Çağın

Founder / Strategy & Business Development Advisor

TINS Advisory Services

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Aslı Kılınç




Eren Çamlıkaya

Global Product Director / Omnichannel Platforms and Data Operations


Erman_Turan_Yüksek_Çözünürlük (1)

Erman Turan




Kadir Kuğu




Kadir Uğuray Kaynar

Senior Strategy and Finance Consultant

Recruit IT


Mustafa Sakin

Executive Vice President

Garanti Bank

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Okan Utkueri

Advisor & Mentor

İTÜ Çekirdek


Semih Ersöz


Sopu Academy

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Sevgican Varol Dağlı

Senior Product Manager

Liv Digital Bank

Vertical Coaches

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Berk Arda Yurdakul

Legal Coach

Founder, Yurdakul Law Firm


Gülşah Çakır

Sales Coach

Founder, X Mind Studio

İ.Tayfun Uslu

İhsan Tayfun Uslu

Business Model and Pricing Coach

Finance Expert, Toptal


Murad Güdücü

Legal Coach

Founder, MG Legal | Law Firm


Nurdan Gündoğdu

Growth Coach

Marketing & Customer Experience Director, Stablex

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Mehmet Üner

AI and Digital Transformation Coach

Solutions Strategy Manager, EMEA Industry Solutions Delivery, Microsoft