Training Process: “Initiatives that have successfully completed the ITU Çekirdek Online Evaluation and Pre-Evaluation Juries”:
After joining ITU Çekirdek, startups shall obtain many different opportunities such as participating in 25-hour entrepreneurship training, taking advantage of our pool of more than 300 active mentors, benefiting from a fully equipped working environment, attending to seminars and workshops specifically designed for you, having access to a workshop to develop prototypes/products, utilizing ITU Çekirdek Special Opportunities (AWS, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Iyzico etc.).
Pre-Incubation Process: “Initiatives that have successfully completed the Post-Training Jury after completing the ITU Çekirdek training process”
In line with their performance in the training and pre-incubation processes, initiatives which are entitled to continue with the ITU Çekirdek process, shall obtain the right to many other opportunities such as appearing before investors with Investor Demo Days, appearing before potential corporate customers with Corporate Demo Days, receiving support from R&D fund, attending to special workshops, participating in national/international fairs and events as well as guidance and assistance geared towards their KPI follow-ups and their needs, as part of monthly one-to-one performance follow-up meetings with ITU Çekirdek Team, in addition to the ones listed in the training process.