For Stakeholders 1
For Stakeholders 2

Supporting technology initiatives in every step from commercializable product to globalization and developing collaborations with corporate companies to ensure their activities in the market to be successful, İTÜ Çekirdek brings together institutions that adopt the open innovation approach with innovative and solution-oriented startups.
ITU Çekirdek, which has more than 40 valuable corporate stakeholders such as Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) – Istanbul Planning Agency (İPA), Istanbul Chamber of Industry (İSO), Elginkan Foundation, Automotive Exporters’ Association and nearly 50 investment network / investor stakeholders, is a collaboration between corporate companies and entrepreneurs. The solutions it offers are as follows:

Entrepreneur – Corporate Stakeholder Meetings

Entrepreneur-company meetings are organized in order to develop entrepreneurial collaborations in line with the interest and sectoral focus of companies that are ITU Çekirdek stakeholders. Thus, companies have the opportunity to get to know innovative ideas and business models closely and meet entrepreneurs.

Industry-Focused Collaborations

With the partnership of ITU Çekirdek, companies have the opportunity to be much closer to the entrepreneurship ecosystem in line with their aims of seeking innovation in their own sectors and meeting with entrepreneurs with a much more integrated and sustainable model. In this context, companies that determine their sectoral focus step into a long-term entrepreneurial group screening and selection process, and meet hundreds of startups in systematic meetings and screenings. Thus, institutions; supports startups that offer solutions directly or indirectly to their own needs with grants or investments in the Big Bang Start-up Challenge and initiates the cooperation process.

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